Monday, September 15, 2008

wish I had a picture.....

for what I saw on the interstate today~
Picture gramps on one of those cruiser bikes, the kind of motorcycle that you take trips on, with all the bells and whistles. Looks as comfortable as one could be on 2 wheels at the speed of 70 mph, he was practically lounging. He looked to be the age of all the men you see driving motorhomes, except he looked more comfortable than the men driving the giant wobbly home on wheels between the semi's around here. Here's the best part though~ he was not alone. Oh no, his lady was right there beside him. that's right~beside him, not behind him. She was in a recliner position in a little side car attached to his bike. She had her drink holder, her little headset where she can converse with gramps, and here's the best part~ she had her walker strapped to the back of her sidecar. No kidding~ a walker! Obviously age is catching up to these folks still out enjoying themselves, which I highly admire~and it appears that it'll take a lot to slow these two down! I wanted to give them a big thumbs up and yell AWESOME out my van window as I drove by, but I didn't want to embarras them, or more likely just embarras myself. (o:


Papa Randy said...

I would have liked to that picture too!

Papa Randy said...

I would have liked to that picture too!