Saturday, May 17, 2008

Busy Bees

We've been so busy here my head's spinning. I have most my garden planted, we are finishing up the new stairs to our daylight basement, contractor is coming Monday for the carpet estimate, and hubby and I are going to paint the wainscotting and new walls. Maybe I spelled wainscoating wrong, either way spell check doesn't like it (o: anyone have any suggestions besides white? I'm really into country decor. I thought a wheat yellow for the walls and a cornflower blue on the wainscotting would be real country, but I don't know if I'm that brave. I like the look of white wainscotting though, but it goes up and down our stairs which means little dirty finger prints all the time to drive me crazy!
My brother was here from Hawaii and left this morning. It's always fun when he's around, he'll be back soon as he gets married 4th of July weekend! F I N A L L Y Crystal will officially be part of our family! I'm suppose to be helping my sister make the invitations to Crystal's bridal shower, I mean lingerie shower...ohhlala, lol
Our oldest (turns 18 tomorrow!) and our 4th daughter (turns 6 on Monday) are celebrating birthdays tomorrow and we're having a house full. It's been so hot lately too and we found out our central air is not working! fun, fun for a houseful of party guests! We're leaving in the evening with everyone to see the new Chronicles of Narnia movie. I'm leaving Josiah with a babysitter for the first time ever with some people from church, our old neighbors. I'll probably be thinking of him through the whole movie! (o: We have graduation party for the 18yr old (Martin would be his name, lol) on the 8th and his graduation is on the 10th, my 2nd cake decorating course is suppose to start in June, but seriously my calendar is SOOOO full like every other day that I'm going to have to cancel )o: and my sister flies in from Hawaii with her kids on the 7th. My Dad flies out to Sudan this Friday morning, and my other sister flies in from Hungary. My family is big missions oriented, can you tell, lol? And here I am raising my army from solid ground still having never stepped foot on an airplane~ Although I do fly in my dreams (o:
I'm so excited to have my siblings all together on this side of the globe again! yayayayayay!! I'm just a LITTLE excited. I love my family (o:
Sorry that I haven't been posting much, life's happenin' (o:

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