Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election Predictions


1. The Bible will still have all the answers.

2. Prayer will still work.

3. The Holy Spirit will still move.

4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.

5. There will still be God-anointed teaching and healing.

6. There will still be singing of praise to God.

7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.

8. There will still be room at the Cross.

9. Jesus will still love you.

10. Jesus will still save the lost.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

ok, I know if I title the post as wordless wednesday that it's suppose to be wordless, right? well, when am I ever wordless? haha~ maybe I should work on that! (o:
I've just been away from the blog and my computer for some time now and I have so many posts to catch you up on. I have a post written up in my head everyday of things I'd love to share but they never make it from my mind to the keyboard. And, actually, my computer prohibited me for a bit too. kept freezing up on me every time I turned it on. Turns out that it was just the mouse! bought a new one and presto! we're back in business. So, here's a lovely almost wordless picture to share with you. It is of my favortie brother, Wylie, with his new lovely wife, and my birthday girl who turned 8 this month. that's all for now folks (o:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Super Sales Saturday

(darling little dresses for Sarah~ they look like summer dresses, but put a long sleeve shirt and some cute little boots and tights and they're perfect year 'round!)

If you know me at all, you know how much I LOOOOVE garage sales, and tag sales, and primitive shabby chic sales. There are tons around me, I adore all these gals that turn their homes into little chic shops for the weekend, and then those that have a weekend business out of a little cottage on their property, or even a barn, even the occasional treasures you might find at a junk sale are sometimes worth the stop, although I'm known to do drive by's (o: These sales are how I keep myself out of the rat race of consumerism. What I mean by that is that I am not directly supporting junk importation from various enemy countries~ I don't feel quite as responsible for slave labor and abuse of children because I'm not going into a store/mall/or high end department store and overpaying so that a child can be underpayed and abused. I wish that everything in my home were made by my own loving hands, or the hands of those in my community, but that is simply not the way life is anymore, so I am doing my part by buying it all used (o: and for some crazy reason I'm addicted to it anyways. I literally can not stand to pay full price for anything. Why pay the middle man to get rich just so that they can cheat someone? I don't want any part of it. I shall NOT shop in those stores this Christmas. That is the one time of year I get tempted, cheap lights, candles, stocking stuffers, etc.... but that is so not what Christmas is about and I believe we are going to be held accountable someday for where our money was spent, which is silly to even say since it's not our money. Everything we have, everything that goes through our hands is the Lord's.
Thanks mom and dad for all those Saturdays you took us garage saleing and even when we sat alongside Dad in flea markets while he peddled some stuff. can't remember what it was, but for some weird reason I remember that he bought us teddy graham crackers one Saturday and we were so excited because we rarely got those kinds of snacks. I have a horrible memory, but I do remember random odd things, lol
By the way, just an FYI~ Did you know Burgerville sells fair trade coffee? pretty cool~~~
So Lily's birthday is Monday. 2 of her gifts are going to be the blow pop lunch tin above and that pet vet computer game, for a total of $1.25 yep, that's right a dollar and twenty five cents! Who says raising a large family has to put you in debt??????? (o:
The other thing I love about garage sales is that when I need something, really NEED it, it'll just show up! I always say a little thanks to God because I know he provides our every little need. This canner above was purchased at a garage sale on my way home from getting bunches of apples. I saw this little sale, and it was little, just a sale tucked in a shed garage thing and I just peeked my head in, purposely looking for canning supplies. Gramps comes out in his overalls with the buttons about to burst out the sides from his cute little belly and says, "Whatcha looking for?" I tell him, and he says just a second I think I got one of those~ He comes back out a few minutes later with this gorgeous canner (ok, had a little rust inside, but it was Gorgeous to me!!!) and says here ya go, how's 2 bucks? yippee skippee~ I was driving all the way home with a smile on my face. God is so good to supply all our needs.
nothing too fancy, just some cool primitive wooden boxes. one had free magazines in it.
I got this little cupboard at a backyard cottage shop called Beyond the Garden Gate. Such a cute little shop. I put some of my canned foods in it (canning-that's been keeping me busy this week) I'm going to paint it a country red. The kids have already completed the look with their fingerprints. Looks like it fits right in, 'eh?
Lately I've been lovin' white dishes. just simple plain ceramic white. I couldn't pass these up complete with lids for only a buck. The little plate hot pot holder thingy with the house on it is sorta the theme in my living room.
I love the country stars. I'm doing the boys' room in stars, but also vintage planes, cars, etc....
the blanket was too beautiful to pass up for 3 bucks, it's a queen but we'll find a use for it. the pillows were sweet, and one of the walls in my room are painted the same color.
More darling dresses for Sarah Ruby! so sweet for a buck!! I love the prints on these~
My absolute gem of a find!!!! Bought this from an 80 yr old woman who use to watch her mom mill flour from this!!!!!!!!! only........SEVEN DOLLARS!! My wheat berries are waiting!!!!
just some more cute treasures (o:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

So, I decorated a new shirt for Josiah today. nothing fancy~ tell me what you think (o; Look again if you didn't pay attention to the words (o: heehee
yep, that's right for those of you with your mouths hanging open saying how can it be???? (o: One month to the day of losing our last little one to miscarriage I got a call from the clinic saying Congratulations! How cool is that?! I started suspecting a few days ago that something was going on, just feeling a little different and extremely tired at night. I had some pregnancy tests still around and on Oct. 1st took one. It right away came back positive. I was baffled! So, I took another one, the last one I had. and same results instantly!! I NEVER expected to be blessed again so quickly! God is so good, ALL the time! wow!!!! My first thought was that I would keep this quiet for a little while just to *make sure* baby was going to be sticking around, but my husband's response to that (oh, and I love it too) was It's a pregnancy, it's a baby, it's a Life~ this is cause for celebration, we're not hiding nothing!!!!!! So, yeah, Celebrate with us!!!!!!
(o: (o: (o: can't stop smilin'

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

sorry that I haven't had any words since the last wordless wednesday, but when life keeps you really busy, the wordless posts are the easiest ones. Here's a sweet pic of gramma Lillian with her namesake Lily Ann. we love our Grandma L.!