Friday, May 23, 2008

What was my Mom thinking naming me Bonnie?

Your 1920's Name is:

Dovie Zola


Shell said...

Ha! That's cute Bonnie. I just happen to think you look just like a Bonnie. It suits you.

Hope your having a happy busy summer. We are too.


Bonnie said...

Thanks Shell (o: I guess Bonnie suits me as it is the only name I've ever had, lol... And I'll even let you in on my middle name, It's Bonnie Jean. Do I look like a Bonnie Jean? (o: My mom told me it's very irish.
yes, my pre-summer activities are keeping me hopping, that is part of the reason my poor blog is getting ignored! My garden is not looking so beautiful yet, but we did add to our herd yesterday a cute little ram, 2 BIG ewes, and a little bitty adorable lamb (o:
now I'm going to buzz over to your blog and see what you're up to!!

Shell said...

I miss your blog. Come back for a bit and catch me up on life. Hope over to mine too.